We are very happy to announce the eleventh Sheffield Print Fair!
SPF2024 is happening at The Millennium Gallery, Sheffield Museums on Saturday 9th November 2024.
We are offering 43 stalls at this year’s event for artists/printmakers and are now looking for applications from Sheffield and beyond; woodcut, mezzotint, linocut, screen-print, wood-engravings, digital prints, monoprints and more! We are also looking for people who are interested in doing a demonstration of their print technique (to whom we will offer a free table).
Please note - We cannot accept prints that are simply reproductions/scans of artworks created in other media.
The event will run from 10am until 4.30pm, and will feature printmaker stalls as well as print demonstrations throughout the day.
The print fair will be in one big exhibition space, and the demos/workshops will take place downstairs in the large workshop room (you can state on the form if you'd like to do a demo). As before we will also be having a print raffle for our visitors and our annual ‘Printmakers' Printmaker Award’ for exhibitors.
This year we are being generously supported by print house ASAP, screen-print wizards Hunk Print, online craft-selling gurus Folksy, Sheffield Museums and print-meisters Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies, who will be at the fair with their presses and other printmaking goodies.
This year's poster design has been created for us by the artist, printmaker and mural artist Rhi Moxon.
The application deadline is 1st September 2024, and we will inform all applicants of the result by 16th September 2024.
Stalls are £65 each (a 6ftx2ft table), or £32.50 for a half-table. There is space behind each table for a display board if you wanted to bring one, and some room by the side for small print browsers.
We are now using an online application form for Sheffield Print Fair and you can find it here:
However please read the 'Information Sheet' before completing it.
Please remember that we cannot consider applications if they are not accompanied by images of your work.
Any questions, drop us a line.