This is the official website for Sheffield Print Fair. We organise fairs especially for printmakers and for those wanting to come and buy prints in Sheffield! All updates on events will be posted here for upcoming events.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Thanks for coming!!

 Huge belated thanks for coming along to Sheffield Print Fair 2025, if you managed it...!

It was AGAIN the busiest fair we've ever had, and the whole day as very much a whirlwind... The print demos and workshop proved very popular, it was great to see a whole load of new printmakers (as well as the old ones!), and put faces to print images...

Congratulations to Rhi Moxon for winning the 2024 Printmakers Printmaker award. Thoroughly well deserved!

Thanks to Sheffield Museums for working with us, Hunk Print for donating and printing the super-cool tote bags (which went very quickly indeed), Hawthorn Printmakers for bringing their wonderful print equipment and donating the print prizes, ASAP Print for printing and donating the posters/flyers/banners, Andy Brown for taking the great photos (shown here and on our facebook page) and to all the printmakers who took part and made it worthwhile (as well as donating amazing raffle prizes!)

The 2025 date will be Saturday 8th November, again at The Millennium Gallery, so put that in your diary!

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Sheffield Print Fair 2024 - The Line-Up!


We're very glad to be able to reveal the line-up for Sheffield Print Fair 2024!

We have 43 artists and organisations taking part, plus Hawthorn Printmakers there with their inks, pressed and printing apparatus. The full line-up is as follows:

Evelyn Polk

Steph Renshaw

Harry Brian

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

Spindle Printer

Alex McIntosh

Laura Knight Studio

Fireater Press

James Bywood

Eva Juusola

Angus Vasili

Jonathan Wilkinson

Richard Foster

Curious Woodland / Cherry-Mae Whitehead-Howse

Joe McDonnell

Sheffield Hallam University - Illustration Course

Angela Hall

Maggie Magoo Designs

The Owlery

Luiza Holub

Ellie Cliftlands

Sophie-Nicole Dodds

Lucy Gell

Clare Phelan

Samantha Groom

Folded Forest

Jim McElvaney

Kid Acne

Robin's Room


Carousel Print Studio

Emily Ketteringham

Concrete Nature

Laura Slater


Kate Brooks

The Print Lass

APG Works

noons studio

Mick Marston


Rhi Moxon

James Green

Suzi Thompson

In addition to this there will be print demonstrations/workshops by the following:

West Yorkshire Print Workshop - tbc

Carousel Print Studio - tbc

Joe McDonnell - screen-print

Sheffield Museums  - kids print workshop

Finally, there will be a print raffle (free entry with £1 entry price) for all visitors, and the first 50 people through the door get a free screen-printed tote bag, designed by Rhi Moxon, who also designed all of the posters/flyers!

The SPF totes were printed by Hunk Print

The SPF posters/flyers/banners were printed by ASAP 

Sheffield Print Fair 2024 will take place again at:

The Millennium Gallery
48 Arundel Gate
Sheffield City Centre
S1 2PP

The venue is in the centre of Sheffield, and will run from 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday 9th November 2024, so get that in your diaries!

We have a Facebook event too, so why not let us know if you are coming?

Sheffield Print Fair 2024 Facebook Event link 

S & J x

Richard Foster

Luiza Holub

Steph Renshaw

Harry Brian

Concrete Nature

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Sheffield Print Fair 2024 - Call for applications!


We are very happy to announce the eleventh Sheffield Print Fair!

SPF2024 is happening at The Millennium Gallery, Sheffield Museums on Saturday 9th November 2024. 

We are offering 43 stalls at this year’s event for artists/printmakers and are now looking for applications from Sheffield and beyond; woodcut, mezzotint, linocut, screen-print, wood-engravings, digital prints, monoprints and more! We are also looking for people who are interested in doing a demonstration of their print technique (to whom we will offer a free table).

Please note - We cannot accept prints that are simply reproductions/scans of artworks created in other media.

The event will run from 10am until 4.30pm, and will feature printmaker stalls as well as print demonstrations throughout the day.

The print fair will be in one big exhibition space, and the demos/workshops will take place downstairs in the large workshop room (you can state on the form if you'd like to do a demo). As before we will also be having a print raffle for our visitors and our annual ‘Printmakers' Printmaker Award’ for exhibitors.

This year we are being generously supported by print house ASAP, screen-print wizards Hunk Printonline craft-selling gurus Folksy, Sheffield Museums and print-meisters Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies, who will be at the fair with their presses and other printmaking goodies.

This year's poster design has been created for us by the artist, printmaker and mural artist Rhi Moxon.

The application deadline is 1st September 2024, and we will inform all applicants of the result by 16th September 2024.

Stalls are £65 each (a 6ftx2ft table), or £32.50 for a half-table. There is space behind each table for a display board if you wanted to bring one, and some room by the side for small print browsers.

We are now using an online application form for Sheffield Print Fair and you can find it here:

However please read the 'Information Sheet' before completing it.

Please remember that we cannot consider applications if they are not accompanied by images of your work.

Any questions, drop us a line.



Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Sheffield Print Fair 2023 - Thanks!


We wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who took part in, and who visited Sheffield Print Fair 2023!

It was the busiest fair we've ever had, with around 1500 visitors during the day. With it being our tenth year, we were super-happy with the turn-out, and the printmakers clearly were too.

Extra thanks to Sheffield Museums for hosting our event, ASAP and Hunk Print for supporting us with printed matter (posters, banners, flyers, tote bags), Folksy for the online push, Hawthorn Printing Supplies for being so generous with their prizes, and Kid Acne for providing us with such a great poster image!

Printmakers' Printmaker this year was Jim McElvaney, who received a box of goodies form Hawthorn!

The Print Raffle was amazing this year, with such a bounty of pieces given by the attending artists/printmakers. The lucky five winners have been informed to collect their prizes from The Millennium Gallery.

So to next year!

The date for Sheffield Print Fair 2024 is Saturday 9th November 2024, so put that in your diaries! We will be open for applications late June 2024.

J&S x

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Sheffield Print Fair 2023 - The Line-up!


We're very glad to be able to reveal the line-up for Sheffield Print Fair 2023!

We have 43 artists and organisations taking part, plus Hawthorn Printmakers there with their inks, pressed and printing apparatus. The full line-up is as follows:

Paul Simm
Clare Phelan
Jim McElvaney
Abby Sumner
Elodie Gainsbourg
Thought Press Project
James Bywood
Gareth Barnes
Sally Adkins
Ruth Green
Angela Hall
Emily Ketteringham
Richard Foster
Kid Acne
Laura Knight
Alison Diamond
Su France
Angus Vasili
Iain Perry (Print Garage)
Fireater Letterpress
Nikki Williams (The Print Lass)
Georgia Green
Evelyn Polk
West Yorkshire Print Works
David Armes
Sue Clegg
Joanna Allen
Steph Renshaw
Shirley Stevenson
Ellie Cliftlands
OR8 Design
Sheffield Hallam University
Graeme Reed
Carousel Print Studio
Lianne Mellor
Louise Ann Wright
Jonathan Wilkinson
Joanna Rucklidge
The Owlery
Kate Brooks
Laura Slater
Suzi Thompson
James Green

plus Hawthorn Printmakers, with their selection of printing equipment for sale.

In addition to this there will be print demonstrations/workshops by the following:

Jo Rucklidge - stencil screen printing with home-made botanical ink

Joanna Allen - collagraph printing

Angela Hall - monoprint screen-print

Sheffield Museums  - kids print workshop

Finally, there will be a print raffle (free entry with £1 entry price) for all visitors, and the first 50 people through the door get a free screen-printed tote bag, designed by Kid Acne, who also designed all of the posters/flyers!

The SPF totes were printed by Hunk Print

The SPF posters/flyers/banners were printed by ASAP 

Sheffield Print Fair 2023 will take place again at:

The Millennium Gallery
48 Arundel Gate
Sheffield City Centre
S1 2PP

The venue is in the centre of Sheffield, and will run from 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday 11th November 2023, so get that in your diaries!

We have a Facebook event too, so why not let us know if you are coming?

Sheffield Print Fair 2023 Facebook Event link 

S & J x

Sally Adkins

Evelyn Polk

Gareth Barnes

Graeme Reed

Clare Phelan

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Sheffield Print Fair 2023 - Call for applications!!

We are very happy to announce the tenth Sheffield Print Fair! We can't believe it has been ten years since we started putting on fairs, time has really flown. It is really great to see so many other great print fairs pop up over the UK too. 

SPF2023 is happening at The Millennium Gallery, Sheffield Museums on Saturday 11th November 2023. 

We are offering 43 stalls at this year’s event for artists/printmakers and are now looking for applications from Sheffield and beyond; woodcut, mezzotint, linocut, screen-print, wood-engravings, digital prints, monoprints and more! We are also looking for people who are interested in doing a demonstration of their print technique (to whom we will offer a free table).

Please note - We cannot accept prints that are simply reproductions/scans of artworks created in other media.

The event will run from 10am until 4pm, and will feature printmaker stalls as well as print demonstrations throughout the day.

The print fair will be in one big exhibition space, and the demos/workshops will take place downstairs in the large workshop room (you can state on the form if you'd like to do a demo). As before we will also be having a print raffle for our visitors and our annual ‘Printmakers' Printmaker Award’ for exhibitors.

This year we are being generously supported by print house ASAP, screen-print wizards Hunk Printonline craft-selling gurus Folksy, Sheffield Museums and print-meisters Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies, who will be at the fair with their presses and other printmaking goodies.

This year's poster design has been created for us by the artist, printmaker, muralist and rapper Kid Acne.

The application deadline is 3rd September 2023, and we will inform all applicants of the result by 19th September 2023.

Stalls are £65 each (a 6ftx2ft table), or £32.50 for a half-table. There is space behind each table for a display board if you wanted to bring one, and some room by the side for small print browsers.

Application Forms and Information Sheet 

Please read the 'Information Sheet' before completing the Application Form, and send your completed form as a .doc or .pdf file to, and remember that we cannot consider applications if they are not accompanied by images of your work.

Any questions, drop us a line.



Monday, 12 December 2022


 Hi there

Well, somehow it is a month since Sheffield Print Fair 2022!

It was a huge success, with over 1500 visitors during the day, which is the biggest crowd we've ever had. It was so great to see all of the printmakers and their work in person, have nerdy print chats with many of them, see the print demos and workshops and generally watch how engaged the visitors were with the whole event.

Printmakers' Printmaker 2022

This was awarded to Nell Smith, who creates colourful abstract compositions in her Manchester studio. Well done, Nell!

The Print Raffle was very popular this year, and all those who won have now been emailed and can collect their prizes from The Millennium Gallery.

We'd  like to thank:

Jess at Sheffield Museums for being super-helpful and organised in the run-up to the event, and also for agreeing to host SPF again.

Hawthorn Printmakers for coming along with their quality print equipment, providing a great prize for Printmakers' Printmaker, and being ace friendly people.

Folksy for helping us spread the word far and wide about SPF.

and of the artist/printmakers who, as well as bringing along their wonderful art, did a grand job of helping us promote the event too.

Thanks so much for coming along, if you were able to, and we'll see you in 2023 for our 10th year!

James & Suzi x